BOOK REFERENCES - artist books with references to the old book

Opening on 5/5/22 at 7pm The exhibition BOOK REFERENCES focuses on current artists' books that literally and explicitly refer to old, partly iconic books, also in their form and objecthood, thus illuminating quite different aspects.

Bookwork by Ulrike Stoltz, Ken Botnick, Thorsten Baensch, Ulrike Stoltz, Sian Bowen, Romano Hänni, Monika Rohrmus, Josef Schwaiger (click on a picture to see the whole book, to get the price list click here)

Ulrike Stoltz, "Caro Giordano"
Ulrike Stoltz brings with "Caro Giordano" her 30-year examination of Giordano Bruno appropriate diversity and lushness to book, in typographic and graphic diversity,
On Thursday, May 19, at 7 p.m., Ulrike Stoltz will be a guest at the gallery and will explain some aspects of the book, which is so dense and extensive.

Ken Botnick "Diderot Project"
Ken Botnicks "Diderot Project" is an examination of the Encyclopedia by Diderot and D'Alembert in which the textual level is juxtaposed with the pictorial quotations as inspiring further thinking.

Josef Schwaiger, "Runge Revisited"
Josef Schwaiger, who, based on his color research as a painter, traces and examines the equally analytical and artistic drip painting research of the chemist Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge: "Runge Revisited"

Romano Hänni, "Iti Amotytoma Muxum"
Romano Hänni imagines the book he refers to... it seems to have disappeared and remains utopia... a textbook of typography from Utopia from 1535 "
Iti Amotytoma Muxum"

Thorsten Baensch, "Hamburg-Venezia"
Thorsten Baensch is represented with several artist books. "Hamburg-Venezia" illuminatingly connects the two cities under the aspect of destruction in which he combines two annotated travel guides. In Milton's "Paradise Lost" he reflects on the position of the publisher.

Sian Bowen, "Sensing and Precensing"
Sian Bowen
subtly and sensitively reflects the "Hortus Malabaricus" in her project of "Sensing and Precensing" in various techniques: Laser etchings, embossing, gold drawings.

Monika Rohrmus, "Sport et Divertissement"
Monika Rohrmus - a very special book quote: Erik Satie had already illustrated his composition in the first publication of "Sport et Divertissement", Monika Rohrmus has now replaced it in its "moving concreteness".

We look forward to your visit A note: In June the gallery will be closed on Fridays!

Susanne Padberg
Galerie DRUCK & BUCH, Vienna
Galerie DRUCK & BUCH, Wien

Galerie DRUCK & BUCH

Susanne Padberg

Berggasse 21/2
(Next to the Freud - House)
A - 1090 Vienna

+43 1 586 68 54 14
+43 664 7657361

BBOOK REFERENCES 5/5 - 6/30/22 MO - FR 11am - 6 pm In June the gallery will be closed on Fridays!