Newsletter August 2023

—— September 7 - October 3, 2023:
Scored Pages
 Books and Prints by Emily McVarish.
E. McVarish "Caption", 2023 (Detail)
Emily McVarish is a writer, designer, book artist, and professor of graphic design at California College of the Arts. Her artist`s books are explorations of public space, rhythm, politics, and the everyday, which she engages through the poetic use of language and typographic manipulation (realized in letterpress) and the breaking up of pages within a book. 

Emily McVarish will be present for the opening on September 7, 2023 at 7 p.m. (Invitation to follow)
—— Mid-September: Relaunch of the WEBSITE - with over 300 filmed books, a comprehensive backlist, texts on book art and book artists, and recorded artist talks!

—— October 5 - October 31, 2023: Thread - Fabric - Paper…  and back again!
The exhibition illuminates the field of tension between paper and fabric - conceptually, materially and aesthetically.Work by Ingrid Gaier, Robbin Silverberg, Carola Willbrand, Deirdre Kelly

—— Jan. 8 - Feb. 29, 2024: BEST OF 2023 - the best new acquisitions of the old year!

—— February 4 - 7, 2024: Participation in the CODEX Fair in California

—— March 8 - 10, 2024: Participation in EDITIONALE in Cologne, Germany

See you soon!

Susanne Padberg, Galerie DRUCK & BUCH, Vienna

Galerie DRUCK & BUCH

Susanne Padberg

Berggasse 21/2
(Next to the Freud-House)
A - 1090 Vienna

+43 1 586 68 54 14
+43 664 7657361

During exhibitions:

MO - FR 11am - 6pm