Deeg, Daniela / Lollis, Cynthia: tapetenwechsel change of scenery
'change of scenery' is a suite of nine folded prints presented together as a loose-leaf book. The drawings and photographs were made by the artists, Daniela Deeg and Cynthia Lollis, while traveling together abroad. The imagery deals with the surprising cultural differences of idiom usage in the artists’ native languages: German and English respectively. For example, Kalter Kaffee (cold coffee) = old hat (alter Hut). These double-sided serigraphs, plus tipped-in color laser prints, were printed at the Frans Masereel Centrum, Belgium, in 2008
dt./ engl. , Siebdruck und Collage, 9 Bögen, ungebunden, in Kassette, 9 Bögen S., 27,5 x 20 cm, Aufl. 12, num., sign., Kasterlee, Belgien, 2008, Frans Masereel Centrum