Komagata, Katsumi: Jours de Lune
From sun to moon, from day to night, from desert to city... The sun over the city becomes a fruit hanging from a branch, pecked by birds... The crescent moon over the desert becomes a bean nibbled by animals. The surprise of these transformations, and the interplay of cut-outs and colors, guide the reader from page to page like a great journey across the earth, stretching time and space.
Many people are affected by a problem of color perception, a problem that is often poorly detected. This book intentionally uses color combinations that may be difficult for them to distinguish. Our aim is to create universal expressions, to be shared by all. We hope that, thanks to this book, an exchange around color perception can be initiated.
Printed in Japan with exceptional care, all KATSUMI KOMAGATA's books are works of art, at the service of the child, playing with paper, cut-outs and coming to life. Her work has won numerous awards and is exhibited worldwide.
fr., offset, cut-outs, paperback, 32p, 7.3 x 11.6 inch, Paris, 2020, les grandes personnes
40 $