Bowen, Sian: Sensing and Presencing After Hortus Malabaricus
One of two sets of this title and size, each set being unique. For the books was used the complex technical process of laser engraving. The images refer to engravings from the Hortus Malabaricus,Eight laser-engraved images. These were transcribed from models made by the artist of herbaria specimens from the historical Indian collection of Royal Botanic. These specimens correspond to the rarest plants found in Hortus Malabaricus.
The size is based on the volumes of European herbaria from the 17th and 18th centuries with plants collected in the Dutch Malabar region, India. The illustrations correspond to the scale of the plants.
2 volumes, laser engravings, hardbound, indigo dyed Kozo paper, 36p, 16,5 x 23,2 inch, Ed. of 2 Unikate, num., sign., UK, 2021
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