Gunnesch, Stefan: Ein Brief
The book transfers the prose work The Letter of Lord Chandos by Hugo von Hofmannsthal into a typographical interpretation, compared with a series of black-and-white collages. The text is introduced by a large typography that displays text fragments of Hofmannsthal’s letter. The words seem to fall apart on the pages; they are not quite tangible, similar to how Lord Chandos addresses the loss of his linguistic expression in the letter. The complete text is set in a small typography on the following pages. The size of the type area is based on the dimensions of a folded letter paper.
The Letter of Lord Chandos, ger./engl., hardcover, Gislée- and Monotype, 92p, 7.5 x 11.2 inch, Ed. of 10, num., sign., Leipzig, 2019, Edition Bildschriftlich
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