Hänni, Romano: Die Urformen der Menschheit in der elementaren Typographie / The Archetypes of Mankind in Elementary Typography
The geometric shapes dot, circle, quarter circle, semicircle, line, square, rectangle and triangle, together with the characters, form the typographic tools of Elemental Typography. This also includes their arrangement at right angles. Therefore, typographic lines can only be used horizontally or vertically. This is due to the system of lead typesetting: All printing and non-printing parts of a printing form are rectangular and intended for reuse. Oblique or forcibly bent lines contradict the philosophy of lead typesetting; they belong to anti-typography. Elemental typography is true to the work. It has arisen from the practical possibilities of the lead type system and the optimal typesetting technique developed from it.
The geometric archetypes are contained in the archetypes of mankind. Their effect leads to depths that cannot be reached with spoken words or printed characters. The basic forms originated from point and line, round and angular: the greatest difference in form. The archetypes are complete in themselves: perfect in form. In their reduction they contain the whole. They lead to the primal ground of all things, to the root of being, to the primal light, to the eternal, to the divine. The use in our everyday life abuses and destroys their spiritual and healing effect. In our alphabet the primordial images are still alive. But to understand the characters, knowledge of their meaning is required. The archetypes are covered.
12 typographic images, ger., en., letterpress, 13 colours, documentation, leporello, Slipcase, 22p, 8.7 x 10.8 inch, Ed. of 44, num., Basel, 2022
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